ear, nose and throat doctorThe nose is an important part of our respiratory system, filtering, humidifying and warming the air we breathe in. Unfortunately, the nose is also the part of the respiratory system that can cause abnormalities in normal breathing. Various problems can reduce the permeability of the nose to air, increase the amount of nasal discharge and cause discomfort, thereby affecting the quality of life. Let's take a closer look at the most common nasal problems and give advice on when to consult an otolaryngologist or surgeon.

Common nasal problems

Nasal congestion

Nasal congestion is a common problem that prevents normal breathing through the nose. It can be caused by a number of factors, including inflammation of the nasal mucosa, allergies, or structural problems in the nose. Nasal congestion can be temporary, such as with a cold, or chronic, lasting for a longer period of time. Over-the-counter nasal sprays can be used for nasal congestion caused by an acute cold, but they should not usually be used for more than 7 days in a row. Rinsing the nose with saline may also help. If the problem persists for a longer period of time (>12 weeks), you should consult an ear, nose, and throat doctor. In some cases, surgical intervention may be necessary, for example, if there are structural problems such as a deviated septum.

Chronic rhinitis

Chronic rhinitis, is a persistent inflammation of the nasal mucosa that lasts more than 12 weeks. It can be caused by various factors, including harmful environmental factors, allergies, as well as systemic diseases. Treatment depends on the cause, but often requires long-term administration of medication into the nose and rinsing with saline solution. In more severe cases, the nose may also need to be operated on. An otolaryngologist plays an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic rhinitis, as he can perform the necessary tests and determine a personalized treatment plan. 

Mouth breathing

Mouth breathing is a condition in which a person breathes primarily through their mouth instead of their nose. It usually occurs when the nose is blocked for some reason. Mouth breathing can cause a number of problems, including dry mouth, bad breath, and dental problems. In children, mouth breathing can become a habit that is difficult to break even after the initial problem is resolved. Long-term mouth breathing can have a negative impact on the development of the face and jaw. The causes of mouth breathing can be varied, from temporary problems such as a cold to more serious conditions such as enlarged adenoids that require surgical intervention. If mouth breathing has become a persistent problem, it is advisable to consult an ENT specialist who can identify the cause and recommend appropriate treatment.


Snoring is a loud sound produced during sleep, caused by the movement of air through a narrowed airway and a relaxed roof of the throat. When snoring does not involve interruptions or pauses in the breathing pattern, it is called normal or primary snoring. This type of snoring is not usually considered a direct health hazard or associated with specific medical problems. If snoring causes breathing problems, you should consult an ear, nose and throat doctor.


Diseases of the nasal mucosa vary greatly. In certain types of chronic sinusitis, or inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, the nose may grow  polyps – these are benign thickenings of the mucous membrane that develop on the nasal mucosa, which can obstruct airflow and cause chronic rhinitis or nasal congestion. The treatment of polyposis involves the continuous administration of steroid hormones to the nasal mucosa and nasal irrigation with saline. For the treatment to be more effective, it is often necessary to surgically remove the polyps from the nose and open the paranasal sinuses more widely. This provides rapid relief from the symptoms, but also ensures that the irrigation water and the medication administered into the nose can reach the paranasal sinuses. 

When should you see an ear, nose and throat surgeon?

Ear, nose and throat doctors have received comprehensive training to deal with all diseases in this area. However, it should be taken into account that even within the specialty, specialists have their own emphasis on which problems they deal with in depth. For example, not all ear, nose and throat doctors may perform operations and some of us may be more competent than others in performing a narrower section of work. I specialize in nose and ear surgery and am dedicated to performing facial plastic surgery, especially rhinoplasty and earlobe plastic surgery. It is not uncommon for nasal breathing obstruction and an aesthetic problem of the nose to be related. In such cases, I recommend consulting a surgeon who has extensive experience in both functional and aesthetic nasal surgery. 

It is worth consulting an otolaryngologist if: 

  • you have not found a solution to your concern in cooperation with your family doctor;
  • you need ear, nose and throat surgery to treat an illness;
  • you want to change the shape of your nose or earlobes.

Clinics where you can go to see an ENT doctor can be found in Tallinn, Tartu, and elsewhere in Estonia. 

It is important to remember that each case is individual. It should be noted that the problem may not be resolved on the first visit and it may be necessary to consult a specialist with a narrower scope of expertise. with a surgeon.